A K U R A     MeeTC
Mining  Environment  Engineering  Technology  Consulting
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“Let the light sentfrom the Sky. Let the Earth be opened"
We work for a better and livable world for our society

Who we are

We work for a better and livable world for our society

Our efforts are towards building a better and livable world for our own people, for our clients and for the community we live in. We provide high quality services including, engineering, technology and consultancy. Our relations with the client are based on trust and confidence between client and our team. We make teams to deliver the best solution to the client whereas we transfer knowledge and experience to develop persistent outcomes for the organization and people.

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We help our clients to overcome tough challenges

What we do

Many of the sectors are finding new routes to adjust the digital transformation and adapt societal changes. We help organizations to solve their problems and use the power of changing in the industry as an opportunity. We build relations on the reputation of conducted works.

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We provide engineering and management consultancy services to utilize new opportunities.

Our services

We provide both engineering and management consultancy services through reorganization, advisory and strategy to help organizations on utilizing the opportunities. We help them to fulfill regulatory requirements concerning local legislation on engineering, estate, commerce, employment and general lawsuits. We give adaptive and resilient capacity in a fast-changing world which necessitate effectiveness in current operations and healthy and long term growth for tomorrow. We share experience, knowledge and diverse perspectives to help clients address their toughest problems and boost their capacity in experience, decision making and creativity for adapting the businesses to fit the challenges of digital future. Our services address a spectrum of client needs to modernize their business in the competitive and changing business environment.

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We collaborate with our partners for a better service through the client needs.

Our alliance


We enable the clients to access the capability of industry and information technology leaders through our strategic cooperation. Our client may receive the expertise and experience of goal oriented professional experts and academicians whom are in our business environment in order to give a blend of technology, scientific knowledge and business innovation. We provide the collaborative capacity to the client to resolve business challenges and re-shape their business by using the power of emerging technologies, including AI, blockchain, Internet of Things and cybersecurity.

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Our desire is to orient the diverging expertise of our team to achieve an outstanding outcome for client’s needs.

Our Team

Our team is experienced in engineering, business and management consultancy. with support of a large consulting from various fields of industry and academia. Incase of detailed understanding, analysis, design and implementation we employ expertise knowledge into work to figure out the verticals and provideun-purpose consultancy. We provide applicable and experience based solutions to the clients which enables them to achieve their goal.

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Our desire is to orient the diverging expertise of our team to achieve an outstanding outcome for client’s needs.

Work with us


The industry, business and market are all progressing and varying under the devastating impact of time. What is not varying is the positive impact of human ability and creativity on the solutions which introduces the state of the art technology and methodology into work. Join our team, experience the working environment with us in the atmosphere of passion, curiosity which derives the change and makes the world working better.

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About Us

Company news

AKURA participates Online Panel Conference – March 2021
Conference dates and general information: 27 March (Saturday), 2021. Deadline for registration- 21 March, 2021

Conference& Panel topicsAcademic research: COVID-19 Pandemicand Beyond.Covid19 Influence on Economy.Distant Learning: The Opportunitiesand Problems.Threats to Sustainable DevelopmentGoals.Recent Issues in Economics andBusiness.Recent Challenges in Social Science.Recent Challenges in Engineering.

AKURA participates Online Panel Conference – March 2021
Conference dates and general information: 27 March (Saturday), 2021. Deadline for registration- 21 March, 2021

Conference& Panel topicsAcademic research: COVID-19 Pandemicand Beyond.Covid19 Influence on Economy.Distant Learning: The Opportunitiesand Problems.Threats to Sustainable DevelopmentGoals.Recent Issues in Economics andBusiness.Recent Challenges in Social Science.Recent Challenges in Engineering.

AKURA participates Online Panel Conference – March 2021
Conference dates and general information: 27 March (Saturday), 2021. Deadline for registration- 21 March, 2021

Conference& Panel topicsAcademic research: COVID-19 Pandemicand Beyond.Covid19 Influence on Economy.Distant Learning: The Opportunitiesand Problems.Threats to Sustainable DevelopmentGoals.Recent Issues in Economics andBusiness.Recent Challenges in Social Science.Recent Challenges in Engineering.

Challenges & Opportunities
In order to overcome tough challenges, share your view and collaborate !
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